
Showing posts from July, 2017

The last post

Hellow readers In this post, i want to tell you about my experience writting in this blogg, i write about this because this is my last blog, and think it is a good away of finalize my short time of writer. My first bloggs meant a lot of work for my, because my english was really bad, besides, the fact of have to write 150 words about a lot of topic is complicated. However thanks to the practice i could improve, well, thanks to the practice and thanks to "". Putting aside my complications with english, write the blogg was a nice experience, i can write about interestin topic, and complement my perspective with those of my classmates. An interesting point about the exercises of blogg is to share some personal matters, matters on wich i haven´t even tought much, so that share this is very hard. From a academic perspective, the work with the blogg is more effective than others methods i have tried to learn, methods as exercises of repetition or memory for