
Showing posts from April, 2017

Chile and your apparent solidarity

Chile is famous for your solidarity, this solidarity is saw in the Teleton, in the eartquake, in the fire, in the disaste narutral in general. But i wonder if the chilean are really solidarity, mainly for the attitude who present the people in your regular life. Is posibble to state that this attitude is motivated for the liberal ideology, because this ideology  generate increase of the rivalry. This increase of the rivalry is an issue that concerns a all field of the modern life, concerns to the education, concerns to the job, concerns to the solidarity in general in the country. I am think that is necessary modify the way that brings the problems as society. Is essential put on decisions that increment the solidarity amongst the people, that create community. In summary, the apparent solidary don't are still good for create community, for create community is necessary forge real solidarity. Thanks for your time, bye, good weekend :)  

Pierre Bourdieu

This presentation is about the biography be sociologist, antropologist and philosopher frances Pierre Bourdieu, in specific abou your youht. Pierre Felix Bourdieu was born in denguin, in southern france on 1 august 1930, to a postal worker and his wife. His father, a béarnese pasant, was an agricultural worker. His mothe had similar social backgroun, althoygh of a lineage or the owners in Lasseube. The province in which Bourdieu was born, exhibited fot the time a marginal sitution within france. Although he was brought up in this agrarian environment and had acquired the same village habits as his peers, Bourdieu felt the contradictions of not belonging at all to the dominant culture. Bourdieu was educated at the lycée in Pau before moving to the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris. From there he gained entrance to the École Normale Supérieure (ENS), also in Paris, where he studied philosophy alongside Louis Althusser. After getting his agrégation, Bourdieu worked as a lycée teacher at

Walking under the rain with Carlitos.

The history become in the night of winter of  2015. Carlos and me, walked from Simon house, toward ours home, the wath indicate the 1:20 am, and we was a little drunk. when we were walked for midpoint of road, started to rain very gently, , although we decide continue ours road, and not take a taxi or bus. Carlos and me are had a good moment, walked and spoken for hours. Carlos is from Chillan, an he wass tell me about your live in Santiago, how was live alone in the great capital. he did feel a litle sad and nostalgic, although also he was had curiosity and expectation for the new experience.  I was feeling similar, why also leaved a situation similarity, it was help for forge a good frienshi, until today. Thank for readme loveds blooggers, that have good afternoon, goodbye
Hello bloggers Mi name is Fabián Araya, i am 20 years old. I study sociology, presently I doing third year of the carrer, at the moment I feel happy in this place. At present I live in Santiago, but I am from Illapel. Illapel is a litte town located in the fourth region of Chile. Illapel was very boring, for this reason Santiago is very fun for me.In spite of this, Illapel is me favorite place, principally for your peace, four your beautiful nature and your warmth. I just want count above my favorite place, and my home. Bye :).