Pierre Bourdieu

This presentation is about the biography be sociologist, antropologist and philosopher frances Pierre Bourdieu, in specific abou your youht.
Pierre Felix Bourdieu was born in denguin, in southern france on 1 august 1930, to a postal worker and his wife. His father, a béarnese pasant, was an agricultural worker. His mothe had similar social backgroun, althoygh of a lineage or the owners in Lasseube. The province in which Bourdieu was born, exhibited fot the time a marginal sitution within france. Although he was brought up in this agrarian environment and had acquired the same village habits as his peers, Bourdieu felt the contradictions of not belonging at all to the dominant culture.
Bourdieu was educated at the lycée in Pau before moving to the Lycée Louis-le-Grand in Paris. From there he gained entrance to the École Normale Supérieure (ENS), also in Paris, where he studied philosophy alongside Louis Althusser. After getting his agrégation, Bourdieu worked as a lycée teacher at Moulins for a year before his being conscription into the French Army in 1955. His biographers write that he chose not to enter the Reserve Officer's College like many of his fellow ENS graduates as he wished to stay with people from his own modest social background. Deployed to Algeria in October 1955 during its war of independence from France, he served in a unit guarding military installations before being transferred to clerical work.
This is my proto-presentation, i trust progress in this, principally in the way of expressing it.

Bye, thanks for thanks for reading me.

Resultado de imagen para bourdieu


  1. OOh i am in a subject about him, with the teacher tijoux!!

  2. Next thursday I will have a test about Bourdieu, specially topics that are in his book "The Rules of Art". I have to admit that I didn't study the author in depth but I think it will very interesting to read his theories because the classes have been entertaining for me :-)


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