Avello, the revolutionary of the comedy

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In this blogg, i speaking about the influence of Felipe Avello in the chilean comedy.
Avello, is a periodist and comedian chilean, at present he work in the stand up comedy and the program of radio "Pongamonos serios" with Edo caroe.
From the beginnig at your career, he was evenly criticize for his performance, but, this critisism was superficial. In the world of the chilean comedy, Avello is considered as an unconventional, the apearance of the Avello, generated something like a breackdown of paradigm in the Chilean comedy. This is nod for comedians such as Luis Slimming, librettist of great humorist and some programme of TV, and the "Coronel" Valeverde, he is a psychologist and comedian chilean, he was a make a lot of programme of radio and a cyber serier of humour.  
The main effect of the apearance of Avello, is the questionig about the limit of the comedia, this limit was very strict in that years. The performance of Avello inspired a new generation of chilean comedians, such as Fabricio Copano, Rodrigo Vasquez, Beno Espinoza, Lucas Espinoza and a lot of comedian of the underground circuit of comedy.
Presently Avello is showing her performance in the "Teatro Mori Plaza Vespucio", here a link of the presentation. https://www.atrapalo.cl/entradas/felipe-avello-intimo-_e304385/?gclid=CIKZjLODr9QCFRSBkQod7XwCYA
Bye readers.


  1. I dont agree with you. Your live is a dream, fabian.

  2. I think that he's a very strange performer, but I like that


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