Postgraduate studies

Hellow readers, I hope you are good. 
On this occasion iI will write about some course of the postgraduate courses that I would like take. 
At this moment I am finishing my undergraduate studies, I haven´t thought about my future, maybe this blogg heplme to do it.
The area of sociology in wich I would like to deepen is the cultural studies. This is what I liked most in my studies, the things related a moral discussion, to hybridization and identity issues have caught my attention a couple of years ago.

Resultado de imagen para librosI would like to study in other country,  maybe Mexico or Spain. I am think in these countries because here living some very good authors with whom I could study. Other reason why I think in these countries is for my limitation in others language. I would be good to handle some language in the future. This would increase my options of destinations.
All this is fantasy, because I don´t know anything about postgraduate courses, neither costs nor modalities.  Talking lighly, I would like to study a magister in person.  I would have to do it with a scholarship, or, save for some time to study and live in another country.
Who knows, maybe in a few more years read this post and I am studying my postgraduate on the moon.    


  1. Spain is a great place to study! good luck!

  2. I think that the sociology of the culture is very interesting. I hope that you can do it.


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