My Future Job

Hi my readers, I hope they are well.
In this time i write about my future job.  Currenty I am studying my fifh year in Sociología, the work life it is close.
I dont have high expectations abouth my future job, but i would prefer an entertaining or interesting job over a job that pays me well.  I haven´t preference for some work, I would like to work in the field, if I like it, it doesn´t bother me to go out or be in an office.
I would not like to be in a job where i travel a lot, I think it would be exhausting to travel. What i would do would be move another city, I am from Región, so there´s nothing that keeps me in Santiago. I also like to change my home, I like to know new cities, if a job gives me the opportunity to do it, it would be Good.
I think i don’t have any very marked specialty, I feel that I like more related to the sociology of culture, but I would not like to dedicate myself to a Branch for all my life. A división that generally occurs in sociology is between quantitative and qualitative researcher. I like both, if i have the opportunity to learn and do both it would be great.
Goodbye my readers.


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