
Postgraduate studies

Hellow readers, I hope you are good.  On this occasion iI will write about some course of the postgraduate courses that I would like take.  At this moment I am finishing my undergraduate studies, I haven´t thought about my future, maybe this blogg heplme to do it. The area of sociology in wich I would like to deepen is the cultural studies. This is what I liked most in my studies, the things related a moral discussion, to hybridization and identity issues have caught my attention a couple of years ago. I would like to study in other country,   maybe Mexico or Spain. I am think in these countries because here living some very good authors with whom I could study. Other reason why I think in these countries is for my limitation in others language. I would be good to handle some language in the future. This would increase my options of destinations. All this is fantasy, because I don´t know anything about postgraduate courses, neither costs nor modalities.   Talking ligh

My Future Job

Hi my readers, I hope they are well. In this time i write about my future job.   Currenty I am studying my fifh year in Sociología, the work life it is close. I dont have high expectations abouth my future job, but i would prefer an entertaining or interesting job over a job that pays me well.   I haven´t preference for some work, I would like to work in the field, if I like it, it doesn´t bother me to go out or be in an office. I would not like to be in a job where i travel a lot, I think it would be exhausting to travel. What i would do would be move another city, I am from Región, so there´s nothing that keeps me in Santiago. I also like to change my home, I like to know new cities, if a job gives me the opportunity to do it, it would be Good. I think i don’t have any very marked specialty, I feel that I like more related to the sociology of culture, but I would not like to dedicate myself to a Branch for all my life. A división that generally occurs in sociology is betw

My favorite Singer.

hi hi my favorite bloggers In this occasion I am talk about my favorite singer nowadays, this is Cristobal Briceño. Cristobal was born in Chile in 1.985, he has a lot of musical projects. Her projects with bans are: The “Fother Mucker”, “Mil Jinetes”, “Ases Falsos”, “Las Chaquetas Amarillas” and “Duó Niagara”. On the other hand, as a singer her projects are: “Cristobal Briceños y la estrella solitaria”, “amigo de lo ajeno” a just “Cristobal Briceño”. In addition t o being known for his numerous projects, it is because of a conflicting character. This due a to some declarations in wich was heavy with the public and opined without knowing of some conflict related to feminism. I don’t share their opinions, what I like about him are his lyrics and the topics he plays in his songs. I especially like your topics, sing about everyday thing, modern problems such as climate change and use of technology. I saw only once and it was not very good. This because h


hi hi my favorite bloggers In this blogg, I will talk about my cat. The name of cat is "Sopaipilla”, I don´t like her name but my roomie insisted, whatever. Before having a Sopaipilla, my experience with pets was bad. Before I had two dogs Cofi and Chiky. I could not generate a close relationship with them, could not fell them own. Maybe I am not a dog person.  I fell dogs too affectionate, they bore me.   After my experiences with the dogs, I thought it was not good for pets. But one day, Sopaipilla arrived in my life. I didn´t like it at first, because he was violent. It raged me and hung on my back. I also didn’t the best disposition. Over time we have become good companions, we play, we eat together and I pet her. By by my bloggers.  

vacations in the big north

¡Hello everybody! Today i will write about my favorite holiday, or that is supossed, in fact this post Will be about my last vacation, this because i have the freshest memories and they were beautiful. This was in July, i traveled for three weeks to see my family in Antofagasta and some Friends in Iquique. I spent two weeks in Antofagasta, there i shared with my family. What i liked about this parto f the trip was to resolve outstanding issued whit my father and begin a change in my relationship with my sister. Also, i do not know much about Antofagasta, so it was nice to go for a walk, here is a photo i took. I traveled to Iquique for a week, there i stayed with my friend Pablo. In Iquique i have a beautiful group of Friends, and on this trip i was able to share with all of them. On this trip i was able to get closer to two Friends in particular, Pablo and Nicolas. We went for a walk on the beach, we talked about personal matters, we played Pokemon GO and we smoked we