Scotlan, the country of Willy.

Hello my people, I am Fabián Araya a student of sociology in Facso of the university of Chile and this is my blogg.
In this blog I will talk about a country i would like to go to, this country is Scotland.
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 I chose this country because in the internet article “Estos son los países más hermosos para visitar” Scotland is in the first place. For my this is a sufficient reason for wanting to visit.
  One of the reason that made me choose this country is the important famous character who are from Scotland. especially two, Willy and William Wallace. Willy is a interesting character that appears in “The Simpsons”, sometimes he is hostile, but he shows  a good heart. William Wallace is a Scotland hero, he existed but I conceived his from the movie “Corazon valiente” , he teaches us the importance of courage and struggle

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I speak only about a fantasy character because I will never have enough money to travel to Scotland, i speak of fantasy because I have only fantasy.    


  1. I love you men, I really hope you can go someday

  2. Fabian, you are as funny as Felipe Avello jajaja


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